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  • This Way Up (Smith & Foulkes; UK)
  • Como Comer Um Elefante (Jansen Raveira; Brazil)
  • Mon Chinois (Claude Villain; France)
  • Peur(s) Du Noir (Charles Burns, Blutch, Pierre Di Sciullo, Lorenzo Mattoti, Richard McGuire, Marie Caillou; France)
  • Lost and Found (Philip Hunt, UK)
  • Regarder Oana (Sébastien Laudenbach, Beligum/France)
  • Inukshuk (Camillelvis Thery, France)
  • Le Dilemme Du Beurre (Fabrice Fouquet, UK)
  • Ninõ de Mis Ojos (Guadalupe Sanchez Sosa, Mexico)
  • Silêncio e Sombras (Murilo Hauser, Brazil)
  • Battle of The Album Covers (Ugly Pictures, UK)
jul 28 2009 ∞
oct 4 2009 +