• Wakes up early, makes dogs bark
  • Always in the way
  • Gets mad when someone is not in the mood to talk to her
  • Says cigarettes are an essential
  • Thinks everything is about her, always.
  • Cigarette every 5 minutes, makes dogs bark
  • Says she's going to do something, sleeps instead
  • Goes to sleep at 7pm
  • Asks us every time we leave the house, "where are you going?"
  • Wears my clothes when they obviously don't fit, then my clothes go missing and I find out she has them in the car or in her room, etc.
  • Spends budget wrong, spends last $9.95 on 2 bottles of soda instead of dog food when they're completely out of food
  • We buy her food because she says how hungry she is, she feeds it to dogs when they have dog food
  • Dogs piss and shit everywhere
  • Dogs destroyed my couch, pillows, carpet
  • Had to move out of our apartment
  • We gave her a bed, she slept on the couch in my way
  • Puts dirty shoes, garbage on the kitchen counters
  • Doesn't think anything through. Ex: tells Brian the morning of that she has to stop for something when we're already late.
  • Turns alarm off on phone, knowing she has to wake up. Doesn't hit snooze or reset it, just doesn't plan on waking up. Expects us to wake her up.
mar 25 2015 ∞
may 13 2015 +