- Leader: Leads the Clan. They receive nine lives which they use to guide their warriors. They are responsible for representing the Clan at Gatherings, appointing deputies, giving warrior, apprentice, and elder ceremonies, and executing the Code.

- Deputy: The second-in-command. They are responsible for assigning patrols and taking over for the leader. They will succeed the leader after the leader dies.

- Medicine Cat: The medicine cat is responsible for keeping the members of the Clan healthy, as well as communicating with StarClan.

- Medicine Cat Apprentice: The medicine cat in training. They are to learn how to use certain herbs, to speak with StarClan, and how to identify certain diseases and treat wounds. Must be six moons or older.

- Merchant: The merchant's job is to transport herbs, prey, and goods to a Clan in need. Their duties surpass Clan borders and disputes, but they are still under the leader's authority. To harm a merchant is a very serious crime.

- Merchant Apprentice: The merchant in training. They learn the safest routes to acquire and transport goods, are taught basic hunting and fighting skills, and are taught the safest places to cross borders. Must be six moons or older.

- Warrior: They make up most of the Clan. They hunt, fight, and patrol for the Clan.

- Apprentice: A warrior in training. Must be six moons or older.

- Queen/King: A cat responsible for helping take care of kits. Usually, they are former warriors. Most queens and kings will resume their warrior duties after their kits grow up. Toms whose mates die will often assume the role of a king to take care of them.

- Kit: A kitten under six moons old.

- Elder: A cat who has retired their warrior duties either due to age or an accident has happened that physically prevents them from continuing their duties.

jan 24 2020 ∞
jan 24 2020 +