arizonawolf's listography
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Harry Potter obsessed.
Disney lover.
Completely girly.
Food addict.
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(Favorite "littlereasonstosmile")
11:11 wishes that come true
A day to remember
A good cup of coffee
A night out with your friends
Aimlessly driving around
All things girly
Always standing up for what you believe in
Amazing cakes
Amazing summer nights
Appreciating the things you have
Appreciating those who sacrifice their lives for us
Arizona iced tea
Baby lips
Bagel bites
Baking a cake
Baking cupcakes
Bare escentuals makeup
Beach bonfires
Beats by dr dre
Beautiful sunny days
Beauty and the beast
Beauty rush makeup
Bedroom christmas lights
Being in a good mood
Being independent
Being kissed unexpectedly
Being next in line for your favorite ride
Being pampered
Being treated right
Being yourself
Bendy straws
Blowing bubbles
Braiding your hair
Bubble tea
Build-a-bear workshop
Building a fort
Buying adorable bikinis
Buying cute panties
Buying new apps
Buying new makeup
Buying new underwear
Buying treats from a bakery
Candid pictures
Candy pillows
Cannon cameras
Capturing every moment in a photograph
Caramel popcorn
Carnival dates
Catching a butterfly
Chocolate cake with m&m’s
Chocolate chip ice cream
Chocolate chips
Christmas cookies
Chugging water when you are dehydrated
Cinderella’s castle
Classic disney movies
Clear water
Climbing into the pool on a hot day
Cocktail dresses
Cold starbucks drinks
Colored hair
Colorful hair
Colorful sunglasses
Comfy sweaters
Coming home and taking a nap
Completing a drawing
Completing your bucket list
Cookie dough
Cool drinks on a hot day
Cool story bro sweatshirts
Cotton candy
Creative doodles
Cuddling under the stars
Curling your hair
Curling your hair without burning yourself
Cute kittens
Cute little bunnies
Cute scarves
Dairy queen blizzards
Decorating cupcakes
Decorating easter eggs
Decorating your own house
Decorating your walls with pictures and posters
Dip n Dots
Dipping chocolate chip cookies in nutella
Disney lollipops
Doing yoga
Double chocolatey chip frappuccinos
Downtown disney
Dr. Seuss books
Dream catchers
Dreaming about getting married
Dressing up for no reason and feeling beautiful
Drinking a cup of warm frappuccino
Drinking a slurpee on a hot summer day
Drinking an izze
Drinking chocolate shakes
Drinking Fiji water
Drinking fuze
Drinking hot chocolate on a cold winter day
Drinking iced coffee
Drinking milk shakes
Drinking peace tea
Drinking smart water
Drinking snapple
Drinking tea
Drinking vitamin water
Driving around with your friends
Driving in the rain
Dum dum suckers
Easter candies
Eating Ben & Jerry’s
Eating brownie batter
Eating cake pops
Eating cheerios
Eating cheese fries
Eating cheeseburgers
Eating Cheesecake
Eating chicken nuggets
Eating cotton candy
Eating dippin’ dots
Eating funyuns
Eating giant chocolate chip cookies
Eating Healthy
Eating junk food
Eating kit kat bars
Eating leftover frosting
Eating m&m’s
Eating macaroni and cheese
Eating macarons
Eating macarons
Eating mozzarella sticks
Eating muffins
Eating nachos
Eating nachos with cheese
Eating nutella
Eating oreos
Eating peaches
Eating poptarts
Eating pretzels
Eating pringles
Eating quesadillas
Eating ramen noodle soup
Eating red velvet cake
Eating S’mores
Eating strawberries
Eating subway
Eating waffles
Eating warm pizza
Eating yogurt
Enjoying Life
Eskimo kisses
Eternal love and happiness
Eye shadow that makes your eyes stand out
Falling asleep in his arms
Fancy bathrooms
Feeling confident in your own skin
Finally graduating
Finally losing weight
Finally sleeping after a long day
Finding a song that you have been looking for
Finding money in your pocket
Finding the perfect dress
Finding the perfect shade of eyeshadow
Finding the perfect wedding dress
Finishing a painting
Finishing an amazing book
Fishtail braids
Floral print
Floral print dresses
Floral print dresses
Fortune cookies
Foster the people
Free food
Fresh bed sheets
Fresh bread
Fresh lemonade
Frozen yogurt
Fruity drinks in the summer
Fun socks
Gazing out your window
Genuine love
Getting a fresh start
Getting a good fortune
Getting a new pair of toms
Getting a pedicure
Getting a tattoo
Getting flowers from him
Getting good grades
Getting iTunes gift cards
Getting new clothes
Getting new makeup
Getting notifications
Getting to try butterbeer
Getting up early on Christmas to open your presents
Getting your hair styled at a hair salon
Ghirardelli chocolate
Girl scout cookies
Going on a date
Going on adventures
Going out for sushi
Going to disney world
Going to drive-in movie theaters
Going to six flags
Going to starbucks
Going to the mall
Going to the zoo
Gossip girl
Graham crackers
Graphic t-shirts
Greek food
Growing up with the cast of harry potter
Häagen-Dazs ice cream
Hair bows
Hand sanitizer
Handwritten letters
Harry Potter movie marathons
Having a barbecue
Having a clean bedroom
Having a cute flat iron
Having a dream catcher in your car
Having a flat stomach
Having a girls night out
Having a girly bedroom
Having a quality camera
Having a summer romance
Having an amazing dream
Having clear skin
Having fun
Having hope
Having long hair
Having no worries
Having smooth legs
Having tan legs
Having the house all to yourself
Having the perfect bedroom
Having the perfect wedding
Hayley Williams
Healthy foods
Hearing a song that you had forgot about
Hello kitty pillows
Hello Kitty shirts
Helping the less fortunate
Henna tattoos
Highlighting your favorite parts in a book
Hip bones
Hitting the snooze button
Holding hands
Hollister shorts
Hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream
Hot chocolate with marshmallows
Hot chocolate with whipped cream
Hot drinks from starbucks on a cold winter day
Hot fudge sundaes
Hot tubs
Hotel swimming pools
Houses with good interior designing
How smooth your hair feels after you condition it
Husky puppies
Ice cream in a waffle bowl
Ice cream in waffle cones
Ice cream sundaes
Immediate texts back
Indoor pools
Infinity tattoos
Interior decorating
Jeans that fit your legs perfectly
Jewelry from forever 21
Jolly ranchers
Jumping on a trampoline
Katy Perry
Keeping your bedroom clean
Kept pinky promises
Kinder surprise eggs
Kisses on the forehead
Kisses on the nose
Kissing in the rain
Kissing someone you care about
Knowing a song before it becomes popular
Knowing that he’s the one you want to be with forever
Krispy Kreme doughnuts
Lace tights
Laughing until your stomach hurts
Laundry straight out of the dryer
Lauren Conrad
Learning how to use chopsticks
Learning to appreciate life’s treasures
Letting go
Lilo and stitch
Listening to coldplay
Listening to coldplay
Listening to music outside
Listening to rain hit your window
Listening to your favorite songs
Living your life with no regrets
Lomography cameras
Long road trips with my friends
Long summer drives
Long-lasting nail polish
Looking back at old photographs
Loving your hair
Lunch at panera
Lush bath bombs
M&M cookies
Mac makeup
Making frosting from scratch
Making s’mores
Making your bedroom your own
Matching tattoos
Meeting your favorite disney character
Messy buns
Mickey and minnie mouse
Mike’s hard lemonade
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus’ hair
Mint chocolate chip ice cream
Movie nights with your friends
Movie theater popcorn
Mustache straws
Naked eye pallette 2
Natural beauty
Natural looking makeup
Never wanting to lose your pet
New York
Nicki minaj
Nikon cameras
Not being afraid to be yourself
Not having a thing to do
Nutella chocolate chip cookies
Nutella on crackers
Old coca-cola glasses
Opening packages
Oreos dipped in milk
Oversized bathrooms
Oversized sunglasses
Oversized sweaters
Owning a cappuccino machine
Owning a macbook
Painting your room your favorite color
Palm trees
Panda bears
Paper lanterns
Pastel colored nail polish
Peanut butter and jelly
Perfect bangs
Perfect curls
Perfect eyeliner
Perfect hair days
Perfectly straightening your hair
Perfume that brings back memories
Pets snuggling in bed
Philosophy products
Picking out the perfect outfit
Picnic dates
Pillow pets
Pink trees
Pinky promises
Playing angry birds
Playing monopoly
Playing temple run
Playing with cats
Polaroid cameras
Popping bubble wrap
Powdered doughnuts
Pretty chandeliers
Pretty dresses
Proving people wrong by achieving your goals
Pug dogs
Rainy days
Reading a book while it’s raining outside
Reading a new book
Reading all of the harry potter books
Reading magazines
Reading outside
Reading the hunger games
Redecorating your bedroom
Reese’s peanut butter cups
Refreshing ice tea
Relaxing in a hot tub
Re-reading your favorite book
Ripped jean shorts
Ripped jeans
Road trips with no destination
Roasting marshmallows
Rockstar energy drinks
Roller coasters
Romantic comedies
Seeing your parents happy
Shopping at forever 21
Shopping at Sephora
Shopping at starbucks
Shopping at the disney store
Shopping at victoria’s secret
Shopping at your favorite stores
Showing people that you are stronger than they think you are
Simply being happy
Simply living your life to the fullest
Singing in the shower
Sitting around a bonfire
Sizing up your plugs
Skinny jeans that fit perfectly
Sleeping in cabins
Slow dancing
Smirnoff ice
Smoothies with whipped cream
Soft serve ice cream
Sour patch kids
Sour peaches
Sparklers on the fourth of july
Spending a day at the carnival
Spending a day in the city
Spending a whole day watching disney movies
Spending summer days together
Spending time with the one that I love
Sprawling out in your bed and taking a nice nap
Spring break parties
Sprinkled pretzels
Starbucks christmas drinks
Starbucks ice cream
Starburt fruit chews
Stay positive sweatshirts
Staying up late watching disney movies
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Straightening your hair
Strawberries and cream
Sugar cookies
Summer clothes
Summer secrets
Sunkissed skins
Sunsets on the water
Swimming at night
Taffy apples
Taking a nap after a long day
Taking a warm shower after a long day
Taking adorable couple pictures
Taking good pictures
Taking the next step in a relationship
Talking to my online friends
Tank tops
Tanning all day long
Tanning in the summer
Tanning oil in the summer
That feeling you get after a good night of sleep
That feeling you get after washing your hands
That feeling you get when you brush your teeth
The anticipation of a kiss
The cold side of your pillows
The coral reef
The excitement of walking into a theme park
The feeling of smooth legs against your bed sheets
The feeling you get before you leave for a vacation
The first ever chapter of harry potter
The freedom of summer
The hello kitty cafe
The Hunger Games movies
The instagram app
The invention of nutella
The kardashian sisters
The lazy river
The lion king
The little mermaid
The marshmallows in lucky charms
The mockingjay pin
The moment you find out you’ve lost weight
The mystery machine
The new car smell
The OC
The perfect little black dress
The perfect pair of jeans
The perfect pair of socks
The perfect shade of lipstick
The rainforest cafe
The smell of a campfire
The smell of coconut
The smell of freshly baked cookies
The smell of freshly popped popcorn
The smell of freshly washed laundry
The smell of new books
The taste of a sandwich
The toys from toy story
The twilight saga
The Universal Studios
The victoria’s secret dogs
The victoria’s secret models
The way the city looks at night
The way your hair feels after getting a hair cut
The wizarding world of harry potter
Thigh tattoos
Tiffany’s jewelry
Tight, meaningful hugs
Train rides
Traveling wherever you want to go
Tropical flavored skittles
Twirling your spaghetti perfectly
Typical friday nights sitting on the computer
Unexpected kisses
Unique braids
Unique tattoos
Upside down kisses
Urban Outfitters
Vacationing with your family
Valentine’s day candies
Vanessa Hudgens
Very nice cars
Victoria’s Secret bags
Victoria’s secret fragrances
Victoria’s secret gift cards
Victoria’s secret perfume
Victoria’s secret underwear
Victoria’s secret yoga pants
Vintage disney shirts
Visiting California
Visiting chicago
Waking up and realizing you have hours left to sleep
Warm bubble baths
Warm cookies
Warm summer days
Watching 25 days of christmas on abc family
Watching 500 days of summer
Watching a cinderella story
Watching a good movie
Watching aquamarine
Watching beastly
Watching chick flicks
Watching cinderella
Watching despicable me
Watching easy a
Watching elf
Watching finding nemo
Watching grease
Watching jersey shore
Watching Juno
Watching mean girls
Watching monsters inc
Watching pixar movies
Watching rugrats
Watching Tangled
Watching tarzan
Watching the fireworks at disney world
Watching the hangover
Watching the house bunny
Watching the office
Watching the sun set
Watching toy story
Watching up
Water balloon fights
Water rides
Wearing cardigans
Wearing cheetah print
Wearing comfortable yoga pants
Wearing cute dresses
Wearing flannels
Wearing ripped jeans
Wearing short shorts
Wearing skinny jeans
Wearing toms
Wearing warm sweaters
When a roller coaster starts rising to the top
When he calls you beautiful
When he gives you butterflies
When he makes you laugh
When he surprises you with flowers
When someone believes in you
When someone compliments you
When someone offers you food
When that expensive item you wanted goes on sale
When you are crazy about eachother
When your makeup looks perfect
Whoopie pies
Wish jars
Wishing on a star
Wonderstruck perfume
Woody and Jessie
Working out
Young love
Your favorite outfit
Your favorite pair of jeans
Your favorite song on replay
Your favorite starbucks drink
Your favorite t-shirts
Yummy smelling body wash
Zooey Deschanel
may 22 2012 ∞
may 24 2012 +