autobio (Quirks)
nov 26 2007
about me (When I am Old, I Will)
nov 26 2007
educational (best college courses)
nov 26 2007
friends (most meaningful friends i have had)
nov 26 2007
television (my favorite tv shows as a child)
nov 23 2007
work (other jobs i'd be interested in doing)
nov 23 2007
autobio (my character flaws)
nov 23 2007
about me (top ten high school memories)
nov 23 2007
travel (Favorite Places I've Been)
nov 23 2007
crushes (Girlcrushes)
nov 26 2007
autobio (favorite childhood books)
nov 26 2007
autobio (10 embarrassing moments)
nov 26 2007
autobio (things that suck)
nov 23 2007