"Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." - Shakespeare

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

"I believe that life is given us so we may grow in love, and I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower - the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence." - Helen Keller

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes." - Erasmus.

"Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all." - Henry David Thoreau.

"Try again, fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

"Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts." - Wendell Berry

mar 19 2012 ∞
jul 6 2017 +