• Philippines is an epicentre of the largest growing HIV epidemic
  • Overall new cases of HIV drop around the world but a new wave of an evolved version of HIV could risk this trend.
  • HIV virus is able to transform itself every time it infects a cell or reproduces.
  • Looking at the DNA difference between different races on different continents its only about 0.1%. The difference between humans, Great apes and macaques is 7%. The difference in genetics between HIV's DNA between patients can be up to 35%.
  • The genetic difference between a mother virus and daughter virus has been shown to have differences up to 5%.
  • Nearly 100 subtypes of HIV, with new types being discovered regularly.
  • HIV subtype B only makes up 12% of cases around the world, however, most cases of HIV are being treated with subtype B methods. Most of the developed world only deals with this subtype.
  • Some subtypes are shown to be more drug-resistant or more quick to develop into AIDS.
  • The epidemic in the Philippines is due to the subtype B shifting to a more aggressive subtype AE with high rates of drug resistance. Cases are already showing up in the developed world.
  • We have to learn from the past. Early 1960s malaria was not cause of concern for the people and the government because the number of cases has dropped the result was a resurgence of drug-resistant strain.
  • 35+ million people have died of HIV.
feb 6 2018 ∞
feb 8 2018 +