season 1

  • "i don't have style or substance. maybe that's why iphones never recognize my face as a face." - glenn (s01e02)
  • "all i'm saying is, there are people who do nothing, and people who do something, and i am one of those people." (s01e03)

season 2

  • "what's the biggest dog you've ever seen, and why?"

season 4

  • "she's a real grumplestiltskin. did I use that right?" - sayid, s04e16
  • "oh my god, are you watching us masturbate at work?" - carol, s04e16
  • "I feel like my heart's filling with blood" "then it's doing its job" - emma & jonah, s04e17
  • basically the entire "corporate has asked us to discuss ways we can all live more sustainably" exchange in s04e18
    • "jerusha and i have started unplugging our refrigerator whenever we're not home"
    • "I'm a vegan so it's basically like driving four priuses"
    • "I play a game with myself where I try to use less water each week. now I only flush my toilet when it's full"
  • "are you also the one who replaced the straws with these paper things? these have no structural integrity. why did I even leave syria?" - sayid, s04e18
  • "and so jesus put forth his hand and the leper was cured. what miracles have you experienced in your lives? and please, nobody say their kids, okay?" - glen, s04e18
  • "our phones [listen to everything we say]?" "absolutely. last week I was talking a lot about penis enlargement, now it's like every ad i see." - marcus s04e19

season 5

  • "the mall is closing? so you're telling me I have to go all the way to the AIRPORT to get sbarro's?" - justine s05e04
jan 21 2020 ∞
feb 11 2023 +