- Chocolate Chip Cookies (olvasztott vaj helyett mogyoróvaj + 1 dl meleg tej) ---
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (háromnegyedes vaj + 1 evk hikari miso) -**
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (125 g háromnegyedes vaj + 25 g vaj + 25 g mogyoróvaj + 1 evk hikari miso) ***
- Chocolate Chip Cookies (100 g vaj + 75 g mogyoróvaj) -** (keményedik)
- Kamra Szendicsező (kacsamájas sörös ciabatta + gyümölcs smoothie)
- képkeretezés és felrakás a falra
- paszpartu
- A fehér király by György Dragomán (read by Károly Hajduk and Péter Scherer)
- Oedipus Rex by Sophocles (read by various)
- Antigone by Sophocles (read by various)
- Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles (read by various)
- Death Comes as the End by Agatha Christie (read by Emilia Fox)
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (read by Emily Woo Zeller)
- Midnight Mass [7 episodes]
- Parks and Recreation, Season 1 [6 episodes]
- Parks and Recreation, Season 2 [24 episodes]
- Parks and Recreation, Season 3 [16 episodes]
- Parks and Recreation, Season 4 [10/22 episodes]
- Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, Season 1 [8 episodes]
- A Head Full of Dreams by Coldplay
- Miike Snow by Miike Snow
feb 2 2025 ∞
mar 1 2025 +