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This listography is dedicated to all those suffering with depression or anxiety. Feel free to peruse the lists even if you don't have any existing issues. They contain advice on various aspects of life - from eating to sleeping to building confidence and so on.


Benefits of Yoga

  • Stress reduction
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Decreases heart rate
  • May help with conditions such as insomnia, depression, and anxiety
  • Decreases risk of diseases like heart disease
  • Speeds recovery and reduces risk of injuries

I like doing yoga right after I wake up. It's refreshing and energizing. I noticed I have less physical symptoms of anxiety when I'm out in public if I do yoga every morning. My routine is fairly gentle and I spend 10-15 minutes doing it.

My Routine (explanations below)

  • Start with Corpse Pose; work on "loud" deep inhales and exhales
  • Alternating Knee to Chest
  • Bridge Pose
  • Cat and Cow
  • Balancing Table
  • Child's Pose
  • Sun Salutations (a series of poses)
  • Child's Pose
  • Get into Corpse Pose and Alternate Knee to Chest
  • Finish with Corpse Pose

More On Yoga

  • Here's a Pinterest board of what my morning routine consists of + detailed instructions. Feel free to adjust the routine or find something else. I think it's pretty doable. Except for maybe the Sun Salutations - I recommend practicing them before incorporating them into your routine.
    • Here’s a board of some other poses that I recommend. Remember, even if you can’t hold a pose for that long or you can only do a part of a pose, practicing it will still help you get better at holding that pose in the long run.


  • Play soft music in the background during your yoga routine. Studies have shown that music can decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress (just like yoga. They're perfect compliments and can ultimately enhance the yoga experience, making you more relaxed).


  • Always emphasize breathing. In general, Breathe in when going into a pose. Breathe out when going out of a pose. Exhaling activates the parasympathetic system, which helps us relax. The longer you exhale, the longer it's activated. Exhaling is also associated with Apana, which rids the body of what it doesn't need. Inhaling is associated with Prana, which creates a feeling of power and energy.


  • Work at your own pace. Do not feel as if you have to master the poses within some time frame. Do not push yourself too hard.
jun 23 2013 ∞
jun 27 2013 +