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  • 12/05 Volunteering at the Encinitas Holiday Parade 4:00-7:00PM.
  • 12/07-11 Lunch all week: survey people for "Every _ min" Center.
  • 12/18 Winter Assembly. SUN Issue 5 out. Staff Potluck (bring Louisiana Pecan Balls).
  • 12/19 Bookwrapping with Animals Asia 10:00AM-2:00PM.
  • 12/20 Concert with Erica and Kylie at SOMA (Mayors of Sexytown, Grim Luck, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Bucket of Fish, Kingston A Go Go)
  • 12/21 Legoland with Courteney and Courtney.
  • 12/22 Makeup AP Lit stuff 9:30-11:00AM. Erica's holiday party 8:00PM.
  • 12/23 Bookwrapping with Animals Asia 2:00-6:00PM.
  • 12/24 Crazy last minute shopping
  • 12/25 Chilled at home with immediate family. Went to mushroom caves at Solana Beach with Evan.
    late to Christmas dinner (but not).
  • 12/26 Vegetated ALL DAY. geez...
  • 12/27 Vegetated. Went to take care of a poor lil sick Evan at his house. Watched King of California with my mom. Snuck out.
  • 12/28 Started my Listograph. Got addicted. Also started the Odd Job Source Blog on Wordpress.
  • 12/29 Met up with Erica, Kylie, Lauren, and Vandana for lunch at In N Out, got mega headache and nauseous for not eating all day, taken home by Evan. Ate at Panera for dinner with my mom.
  • 12/30 Hung out with Evan later in the afternoon. Ate Rodrigo's quesedillas at Torrey Pines beach, drank Starbucks hot chocolate at the Bookstar in the Costa Verde Shopping Center.
  • 12/31 Borders. Watched 500 Days of Summer with parents. Wine with Evan and Greg at Steven's.
    • I was late to New Years by maybe five minutes (story of my life). Anyway this left me driving down the hill by the skate park come midnight. And at exactly 12:00, a coyote hurried across my path. He wasnt near in danger of getting run over. We were too far apart and I was too aware of its presence. But there was connection. I was the only car in sight and his head turned slightly to me as he passed by. I see it as good luck for the coming year.
dec 28 2009 ∞
jan 2 2010 +