• 02/04/11 - (Family Weekend) dinner @ La Posta w/parents
  • 02/05/11 - Family Day: lunch @ dinning hall, tour of 9/10 appts. Dinner: smoke!, The Crepe Place.
  • 02/20/11 - (SD visit for President's Weekend) Emma @ Old Globe, Balboa w/Mom. Mediterranean w/Evan. Slept over (watch Animatrix).
  • 02/24/11 - Declared pre-art. Found trail of mj leaves on ground bet. 8 bus stop and art dept
  • 02/25/11 - HIS midterm grade! hung out with Kenz
  • 02/26/11 - Snowed! 12ish
  • 02/27/11 - Watched Oscars w/Josh+co. in Josh's room in Gandhi.
feb 24 2011 ∞
jul 30 2011 +