• 10/01/10 - Class. Lunch @ Porter w/Chloe +Josh. CL9 DH for dinner w/Kenz+Stev+Tony+Hannah. Steven's> meet Nolan. Whiskey (x3ish shots) + cup of boxed wine. [miss Shaggy's party]. Walk home 12AM (floor sees Social Network)
  • 10/02/10 - Stevenson. Lydia comes over - Oktoberfest bottle. Side-knoll to smoke. Burger w/Nolan/Stev/Kenz/Lyd. (Mac n cheese burg) <3. Walked downtown: saw Unscruz (Burning Man party). World Market. Back on campus > CL9. Eat w/Omid/Daniella. Eat w/St/Kenz/Lyd/Nol+Yuri > Steven's. Admiral. Rolled 1AM > Walk back w/Yuri > Sleep 1:40AM.
  • 10/03/10 - Breakfast @ Cowell w/Stev+Kenz. Hang in room w/S/M//Lyd/Michael. ATM+library. Bye to Kenz @ Quarry Plaza :[
  • 10/04/10 - ASTR w/Chl/Josh > lunch @ C9/10. w/ Josh+DJ+Miguel+friends. Late night in library doing Core essay rough :[
  • 10/05/10 - Ran. Psych w/Yuri > smoke a bowl w/Stev+Nolan sideKnoll > Cowell DH (Shaun and his choc. chip waffles) > Swed massage class 6:45-9:40PM - partners w/Bryan.
  • 10/06/10 - SLeep thru ASTR discussion > late to ASTR (sub) > lunch @ Porter w/Shaggy (awkwardly left w/random ppl) > real lunch @ C9/10 > laundry.
  • 10/07/10 -
  • 10/21/10 - PSYC disc. Housing office meeting 11:15AM (missed - slept thru). CLNI 80B. PSYC > talk to Yuri about Evan problems. David's office hours 5:15PM. ASTR review 7:30 w/Chl/Josh.
  • 10/22/10 - Visit home: ASTR ends 1PM. Bus downtown. Hwy 17 Exp 2PM (miss>3PM). Arrive SJ 4PM. Taxi to SJC. Flight departs 5PM. Dinner @ home.
  • 10/23/10 -
  • 10/24/10 -
nov 13 2010 ∞
jul 30 2011 +