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  • The Half Blood Prince's Potions Book: The idea of a bible-like journal entirely unique and handmade and mysterious is so enticing to me. It makes me want to scribble helpful notes in all my textbooks and novels.
  • Hogwarts (+Marauder's Map): There are so many aspects of this place that pulls you in; that it's remote, inaccessible mountainous location, that it's a school, that it holds so many secrets, and particularly that it's... alive. And to have a map detailing its secret passages?? I mean, geez...
  • Air/fire/water/earth-bending: The Avatar is so lucky. They are such attractive powers. I have to stick to pretending with the smoke of a blown out candle.
  • Tom Hansen's Wardrobe: SO FREAKING ADORABLE in 500 Days of Summer. What an amazing personality and style. Im completely smitten.
  • Butterbeer: It must be so delicious.
  • Warm French Kitchen: The warm copper and white tones of Ratatouille's kitchen
  • Cuddley Panda Pet: Who wouldnt want a panda to hug? (_Panda Kopanda_)
  • Dorm After-Party: HP6 captures it brilliantly after Ron wins the first Quidditch game.
  • Maddhatter's Tea Party: Why arent there more of these in real life?
  • Puppy Xmas Present: In Lady and the Tramp, when the young and in love couple gets a puppy under the tree. Everything so young and vernal and full of life and future.
jan 2 2010 ∞
jan 24 2010 +