03/12/10 - 03/13/10
- SUN will die slowly and painfully in coming years
- Merc retiring; no real replacement candidate (cant hire new due to budget constraints)
- No strong student leadership (Dennis)
- Little teamwork/cooperation bet juniors/sophomores
- Only EIC option = tyrant >> staff will no longer be fun
- Lacking strong talent
- Limited funding for extracurriculars in today's economic climate (already stretched for cash)
- Budget sads (Mr Hizal per 1 3/12):
- Extracurriculars = doomed
- Public universities probably hard hit
- I want so badly to go to UCSC, but I feel now that I should go to a private school, especially w/ all of them offering me generous scholarships, but I want Santa Cruz. Im so scared.
- Im so scared just for college in general
- Im growing up. I feel that I dont need my parents anymore. While I definitely do still need them, it's a lot less so than I used to. It's sad now to think about my childhood. On friday (03/12) 9:00PM, I asked to go out to go be with Evan, expecting at least a little struggle. They both said yes without hesitating or asking many questions. Even though it was what I wanted, it made me pretty sad in a way.
- APGov awarenesses:
- US government is inefficient/divided/useless
- There are people w/horrible beliefs
- Resources strained, inevitably exhausted
- No one cares about the wild
- Humans = parasites who destroy all they touch (not deserving rank of dominant species)
- American wilderness resorted to tiny patches
- Entire species destroyed
- CA grizzly (on flag) forced into tiny ranges up north
- Life is undervalued
- Animals/environment not held as a priority
- Roadkill = a monstrosity that no one cares about
- Sex offenders and other criminals thought to be lower forms of life, that should be monitored like dogs, their liberties infringed upon, w/no thought for their rights as human beings
I can see why so many people are ignorant nowadays. Knowing is just too painful.
mar 14 2010 ∞
apr 30 2010 +