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  • "The Western Air Temple" (01/21/10) - Prince Zuko so nice!
  • "Day of the Black Sun" (01/13/10) - So much cool things in one episode! And the watertribe wolf helmets are sick...
  • "The Siege of the North" (02/11/10) - Moon = 1st waterbender! Cool cool!
  • "The Boiling Rock, Part 2" (01/27/10) - I love that Prince Zuko is a good guy now!
  • "The Desert" (02/18/10) - Giant friendly mushroom!
  • "Zuko Alone" - Zuko and Azula as lil babies!
  • "The Beach" - So strange and Asian. And it shows a different, more familiar/personal side of folks good and evil. But I cant decide if I like or not.
  • "The Ember Island Players" (02/01/10) - The entire series in one convenient sitting.
  • "The Puppetmaster" (01/09/10) - Bloodbending?! DANG
  • "The Painted Lady" (01/13/10) - Katara so purdy as the Painted Lady/River Spirit!
jan 13 2010 ∞
feb 18 2010 +