- Art materials, especially prismacolors, tubes of acrylic paint, gum erasers, clay, and conte charcoal
- Books. Well-written ones. The Harry Potter series will always be a favorite. Chuck Palanhiuk's work is great. Bongs!
- Chapstick, Cmere, and Concerts
- Diana cameras, indestructable and named after me. Dark chocolate.
- European accents, Ear cuddling, and Elevators
- Finnish, Finland, and Fireplaces
- Green eyes. Because blue eyes hurt and brown is boring. Grandma's boy
- H.I.M. Heartagram tattoos, and Horoscopes
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, every single episode and Charlie can make me laugh. Interpol.
- John McEntire <3
- Kisses, meaningful and passionate ones
- Listography and Lucy (wink wink)
- Movies, Music, Mary Jane, and Munchies
- Nintento games and Nailpolish in crazy colors
- October, I love/breathe Halloween
- Prudish make-out sessions that become passionate
- Queen of Hearts arch nemesis, or more precisely Alice in Wonderland
- Rain.
- Stoners. I fucking love potheads. Sasha Grey.
- T.V. shows like The Office, Weeds, House M.D., Flight of the Conchords, Trueblood, etc! T-shirts! "That's what she said!"
- Ultra badass nights drinking with Carmeline!
- Videogames: Guitar Hero and Rock Band, Katamari, The Sims, Pac-Man, WoW, any player v. player where I can button mash like motherfucking Tekken
- Weed. It really really makes me happy.
- Xmas time! It's cold and everyone buys everyone shit they don't need and cook tons of sweet shit
- You! ;)
- Zelda. hellz yea
jan 23 2009 ∞
jul 11 2010 +