• Whatever Jake and I were doing before I fell asleep, I redream it, except this time he's talking excitedly about some other girl and I finally break up with him
  • I'm at some kind of outlet store in the middle of winter. There are women carrying loads of what I know to be free clothes, throwing them into their cars, and rushing back to get more. There is a baby hanging from a hook outside, crying. No one seems to care, so I take the baby and go inside. It feels like everyone is mad at me, so I hide under a rack of clothes. Marcus finds me. He looks at the baby, and I know he thinks it is ours and that I never told him. He takes the baby from me, and leans in to kiss me. So . . . nightmare.
  • I've been dreaming about my backpack recently.
feb 4 2009 ∞
jun 14 2009 +