• Fake communications office set up. I wear all beige. old broken technologies which I rig up with electronics/ circuits/ analogue versions: promote communication in new ways.
  • soft animals everywhere. Fill up a room. fill up a not usual space.
  • community animals carried around, passed and with a prompt, inviting holders to respond to the prompt
  • (art speak) ceremonies: everyone buries something.
  • (art speak) ordinary people lecture panel series. opportunity for small how-to's/ skill shares/discussions
  • personal stuffed animal workshop. everyone makes something with their own significance.
  • listening booth (redeux)
  • make a huge stuffed animals
  • first time graffiti wall sprayer event
  • used clothing stories and "sale": sew tags telling the story of the piece onto the clothes and then have a tag sale. workshop before hand.
  • a parade coalition. Make the best parade ever.
  • fort neighborhood building. Use different materials for each fort. have teams for different forts, with a general constraint/prompt/direction/guide/theme. Make them all in the same day/space. Emphasis on neighborhoods.
  • collaboration with one person: explore how we live life differently. produce two daily newspapers/circulars/small zine.
  • pen pals across campus. reuniting.
  • concert of non-musical people (and weekly practices)
  • viewers (make?) wear pars of the whole piece which interlocks when all people (or small divisions of them) are together.
  • clean up your messes program. set out to be of service and clean up your messes in your life. a booth?
  • lead an alternative tour of hampshire college (talk to admissions)
  • "hello my name is" stickers project: everyone bears something of themselves.
nov 13 2008 ∞
nov 13 2008 +