• "You're going to ruffle some feathers if you want to fly, it's inevitable. It is impossible to please everybody. It's far better to meet your own expectations and let someone else down than to let yourself down to meet someone else's expectations. If you're serious about success knowing this will help you get there."

- Jackson Kiddard

  • "I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts - That's when I get in trouble."

- Angelina Jolie

  • "The Uni-verse gave you your dreams and planted them in your heart. Any story or belief that you hold about why you can't have it is a lie. The Uni-verse has your back. The Uni-verse wants you to be happy. The Uni-verse made you to fulfill your purpose of living your dreams, giving your gifts and helping out and inspiring other people. Tell stories that back up your dreams - that enforce your gifts - that help you to thrive. THOSE stories are the stories that are TRUE and in alignment with your true nature.

The world, even people that you care for deeply, may not agree with this. Your job is to take advice from people who have what you want and to remember that EVERYONE else is just guessing, at best.

Most people will want you to be safe and secure and they are not considering what your SOUL and your HEART truly want. You have to overcome the fear and realize that the hard moments do not define you. And the story that other people are telling you about what's possible isn't true.

Remember: YOU get to decide what's true for you." - Mastin Kipp

  • "The right path is not always apparent, nor is it ever without resistance and uncertainty. The important thing is to believe in yourself and trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to, and that you will eventually do what you were put on this earth to do. Besides, we don't even know our own strength if we don't test it every once in a while, right?"
may 11 2012 ∞
jan 8 2013 +