and suddenly, there was a hot hot yard guy, in the yard, who was hot. -Summer, The O.C. Handle is my middle name. Well's the middle of my first name. -Chandler, Friends You're like Santa Clause on Prozac! At Disneyland! Getting laid! -Phoebe, Friends ROSS: Hello, didn't you read Lord of the Rings in high school? JOEY: no, i had sex in high school We all live in glass houses Catherine. Be careful where you take a shower. -Grissom, CSI Sylis: is just bla bla bla Andy: You hope for bla. Sometimes you find it. But mostly its bla. And waiting for bla. And hoping you were right about the blas that you made. And then, just when you think you've got the whole bla-damn thing figured out, and you're surrounded by the ones you bla, death shows up. and bla bla bla. -Weeds bros before hos. why? because your bros are always there for you. they've got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. and you were nothing but great to your ho, and you told her she was the only ho for you, and that she was better than all the other hos in the world. and then...then suddenly she's not your ho no mo' -Michael, The Office Oh miss pacman. I would sex that bow right off your head. Eat those dots you naughty naughty girl. -Tod, Scrubs eww i mean not ew. you're very attractive for a dad. distinguished. i mean...OMG. -Summer, The OC i love the hotel. i want to marry the hotel and have little gambling addicted, alcoholic kids with it -Seth, the oc DR. COX: like he's 29 years old and keeps a journal with a unicorn on the cover? J.D: um, thats a horse with a sword on its head, and he's there to guard my hopes and dreams. I love this moment so much i want to have sex with it. -Dr. Cox, Scrubs I started an "I Hate Cox" chat room. It hasn't really worked out the way I planned. It's me, two interns and fourteenthousand lesbians.-Elliot, Scrubs