• The color palette: chocolate colored walls with red and green accents everywhere
  • The comfy couch and its accompanying footrest
  • My roommates, Sadie and Katie
  • My bedroom - it's at the end of the hall and has light blue walls and dark furniture and all of my books perched on shelves
  • Our assortment of tea cups: the Christmas one I inadvertently stole from a party last December, the tall, slender, white one, the one that says "World's Greatest Boss."
  • Our kitchen table with the small lamp and wicker vase full of red and orange flowers
  • The built-in bookshelves in the living room arranged with picture frames, glass vases and books.
  • The russian vodka bottle on the kitchen window sill with the red flower sticking out of it
  • When my roommates and I all sit at the kitchen table, bent over our laptops, with one playing quiet music and none of us speaking
  • When I open the back door and the first thing I see is the leaves swirling off of the big tree
  • The lonely white hammock stretched between two trees
  • The way the light streams in through the half circle window on top of our front door at dusk
  • When I open the front door on Saturday mornings to check the mail and it's beautiful out
nov 18 2009 ∞
nov 18 2009 +