• I overslept and missed poetry for the billionth time
  • I was fifteen minutes late to Spanish, and Senora Walker made me sit in the front by myself, because she hates me.
  • I skipped chapel AGAIN.
  • I somehow managed to make my throat collide with Ross's shoulder, and it hurt very badly.
  • Sam didn't answer his phone, and I wanted him to go to lunch with me.
  • I made a list of all the things I need to pay for, and that just made me realize how much more I need to work
  • My roommate was in a bad mood,and consequently, she was short and not being very conversational.
  • My medieval british lit class was SO DAMN BORING.
  • People were talking so loudly in world lit that it actually became unbearable.
  • My pee reeked of coffee just now.
  • I went to the library to print a paper, but every single one of the printers was broken.
apr 7 2010 ∞
apr 7 2010 +