• People know they have legal rights, but not what those rights are, so assume that they have rights they actually don't have.
  • Public transit in my town doesn't go from anywhere I'm likely to be to anywhere I want to go at the times I want to go there.
  • Fluffy dog doesn't want to be brushed.
  • When I work out, my shirts don't fit through the arms and shoulders; when I don't work out, I get fat enough to have to buy shirts in a size that would fit in the arms and shoulders if only I were working out.
  • Allergic to grass.
  • Most people who complain about fascism, communism, and socialism don't seem to know what fascism, communism, and socialism actually are.
  • Smart people doubt; stupid people seem confident and attract followers.
  • Thinspo.
  • In the breakroom: no forks, three spoons, thirty-one knives.
  • Password requirements create passwords I can't possibly remember, and therefore must write down and keep in a file on my computer.
  • Still not an astronaut.
  • Grumpy Cat is my spirit animal.
  • Can either buy cage-free eggs, or eggs in biodegradable packaging, but not cage-free eggs in biodegradable packaging.
  • Irrational fear of podcasts.
  • Right shoulder makes a bizarrely loud clicking noise 1-2 per day for no discernible reason.
  • 36 years old. Never learned to spell "discernible" until now.
  • Really comfortable shoes only come in brown.
  • Can either think of snappy names for new games but not a game to go with the name, or good new game that must remain eternally nameless.
  • Impending nuclear fallout concerns.
  • Perpetual assumption that any invitation, words of kindness, declarations of love, etc. given to an entire group that I happen to be part of are not intended to include me.
  • Seldom want to do anything as much as I want to do nothing.
  • Dog sleeps next to expensive new dog bed.
  • Co-workers ask me to explain Obamacare. Then don't listen to the explanation, so that next week, they can ask me to explain Obamacare again.
sep 10 2013 ∞
dec 29 2016 +