♡ nick and norah's infinite playlist ♡

Caroline: Um... hi. I'm Caroline. What's your name?... You know what, that's okay. You don't have to tell me. It's been like one of those nights, you know? I was with my friend Norah, who you don't know, but you'd really like her because everybody likes Norah and she... left me tonight which is - she never does that and then I was kidnapped. And then, she... usually when I go home with her she... she makes me a turkey sandwich when I get home, but I might never get home, you know? And I'm so tired.

[looks down and notices what is in his lap]

Caroline: Is that a turkey sandwich?

Nick: Also that mix CD... uh that I left on your doorstep was the last one that I'll be making for you.

[CD ejects from computer]

Nick: More or less...

Caroline: I found Jesus!

Norah: What?

Caroline: Jesus!

Caroline: He's much taller in person...

may 10 2021 ∞
may 10 2021 +