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girl in her twenties who has yet to fall down a hole and discover a wondrous world. Enjoys making lists, chewing her bottom lip, and pinching the skin on other people's elbows. Has an extreme fear of spiders.

  • Making a relationship work that is pretty much impossible to fix.
    • I can't think of any solution to this besides just to give up. Giving up four years is rather difficult, but I really don't know what else to do. Every bit of the advice that I've received over the last while is 'leave him, forget about him.' Nothing is ever going to change and everything will be the exact same thing over and over again.
      • But I do love him and no matter how much shit we go through, I keep wanting to save it.
  • Comparing myself to every female on the planet because I've never dated someone who hasn't left me for someone else or cheated on me.
    • I'm not sure how to solve this either. I need to become confident again, but that's hard to do. I need to get out more and meet new people, this will help.
  • Making a certain someone happy because I honestly know that it will never happen.
    • Trying to make him happy is like trying to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it. He can't talk to me, I don't talk to him. We don't trust each other.
  • Money.
    • When I do get employment, I intend on making a bank account and saving some money back to pay back CCC&TI and the ER and to save up for a car and eventually save up to get out on my own.
  • My health.
    • After getting a job, I am going to make sure that I have reliable insurance so that when I do get sick, I can get the proper treatment and I can get tested for all of the hereditary illnesses/diseases that I will probably get.
sep 29 2008 ∞
jul 22 2014 +