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girl in her twenties who has yet to fall down a hole and discover a wondrous world. Enjoys making lists, chewing her bottom lip, and pinching the skin on other people's elbows. Has an extreme fear of spiders.

  • Living in a trailer park until I was ten years old.
    • I was made fun of in 3rd grade by a girl who I later befriended and became best friends with.
  • Being best friends with Michelle, Tracy, and Asia.
  • Attending William Lenoir Middle School not knowing anyone there and making (and breaking) various friendships.
  • The house fire that caused me to lose everything (my entire room was destroyed).
    • Losing my cat in that fire. We got Precious when I was two, the fire occurred when I was 10 or 11.
  • Began drawing.
  • Being diagnosed with depression when I was in 7th/8th grade and being put on Zoloft and having counseling weekly.
  • Self injury (cutting).
  • Mom, Billy, and I moving out away from dad for a month because of my therapist's advice.
  • Meeting and becoming best friends with David.
  • "Dating" Rick the first time and finding out that he cheated on me at the beach. (Not even talking can't be considered dating, right?)
  • Dating him in early high school and getting freaked out by him talking about marriage all the time.
  • Homeschooling.
  • "Dating" Taylor like a week in between breaks with Rick.
  • Dating him a million and two times because I'm stupid. Was cheated on zillions of times and left for other girls. Was also told that he wasn't seeing anyone and then finding out that I was the 'other girl.'
  • Going to Missouri.
  • Talking to Andrew online the very night that I ended it with Rick and then meeting him the next week at Wal-Mart with Carolina and Dustin.
    • Kissing him on the back of mom's car.
  • Dating Andrew various times over the span of nearly four years and experiencing things with him that I've never before experienced. I've loved him very deeply for a long time and although we had some problems, I will never regret anything that has to do with him.
  • Grandma Edna's death.
  • Getting my drivers permit.
  • Nanny's heart attack.
  • Going to VA to spend 4th of July with Jennifer!
  • Seeing DC
  • My fat cat Alexial's death.
  • Uncle Henry's death.
  • Mom going to work at Fatz.
  • Working at CiCi's Pizza
oct 5 2008 ∞
sep 3 2009 +