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girl in her twenties who has yet to fall down a hole and discover a wondrous world. Enjoys making lists, chewing her bottom lip, and pinching the skin on other people's elbows. Has an extreme fear of spiders.

  • A cloud hangs over this city by the sea, / I watch the ships pass and wonder if she might be, / Out there and sober as a well for loneliness, / Please do persist girl its time we met and made, a mess -"Anna-Molly," Incubus
  • Wish you were here, / I'm a wounded satellite, / I need you now put me back together make me right -"Anna-Molly," Incubus
  • Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder / Is there a spell that I am under / Keeping me from seeing the real thing? -"Love Hurts," Incubus
  • You and I are like oil and water / And we've been trying, trying trying / Ohhhh, to mix it up. -"Oil And Water," Incubus
  • Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, / it will not be the last time. -"Oil And Water," Incubus
  • We were trying to believe that everything would get better. / We've been lying to each other / Hey! Babe! Let's just call it what it is! / Oil and Water! / Oil and Water! / Oil and Water! -"Oil And Water," Incubus
  • If it's good to complicate then both of us are doing fine. / Just keep your eyes on your part and leave me alone to mine. / If it's good to instigate, we're a fast horse, bet on us. / I'm not calling you an animal;I think we just fight too much. / Hey now, in spite of this we're doing just fine -"Diamond And Coal," Incubus
  • I'm keeping an eye on the future / An eye on the past / And the present in my pocket / Just in case I need a door... / Into a brave new world / Where all solutions end up with my head / Buried to my neck in sand. -"Rogues," Incubus
  • I don't wanna talk to you anymore / I'm afraid of what I might say / I bite my tongue every time you come around / 'Cause blood in my mouth beats blood on the ground -"Blood on the Ground," Incubus
oct 17 2008 ∞
oct 17 2008 +