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girl in her twenties who has yet to fall down a hole and discover a wondrous world. Enjoys making lists, chewing her bottom lip, and pinching the skin on other people's elbows. Has an extreme fear of spiders.

  • Car
    • This is VERY important. *points to the number one* And is the main reason my back account is nearly at $2000 and why I've barely spent anything.
  • Nightstand
    • Mine is disgusting, short, and falling apart.
  • Rolly computer chair
    • I'd like a small one. Not one of those huge leather creatures. I don't have room for one of those. Plus I've got a floor mat thing just for my computer area.
  • Storage things
    • To put under my bed and in my closet to get rid of a lot of the things in my dresser and hanging in my closet.
  • iPod dock
    • I want a nice one, but not a $200 nice one (unless marked down for under $100, hah). I'm so cheap..
  • Digital camera
    • Five megapixels is sooo 2005.
  • Cellphone, with plan?
    • Question mark = plan. I don't know about that yet. I need some credit first and I'm still cheap (with good reason: $7.50/hr!).
  • New computer
    • 70gb hd, battery on the fritz, adapter is mental, fug xp, keys' print are disappearing, usbs are buttholes sometimes.
  • Computer desk
    • When we move, I'll just use the one nanny gave us. It's small and will fit nicely in my new room. But one day I want one with more shelves and such.
  • Printer/scanner
    • Another reason why I want a desk with shelves. I want a printer/scanner of my own. Yeah, I can wirelessly print the things from my laptop to the printer in mom's room, but I can't scan something and have it sent my laptop or even scan anything in my room.
  • iPod adapter things
    • Wall charger, fm transmitter for car. These would be nice. No big hurry though.
  • Fuzzy rug for around the bed
    • I don't like how rough my new carpet is and I've always wanted some fluffy carpet. It feels nice between your toes. :D :D
mar 25 2009 ∞
jul 22 2014 +