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Mainly fanfics lists, kpop and anime.

Lists aren't really fanfic recs, but more of a way to list all the good quality fanfics I've read so I can reread them later on. Feel free to take is as a fanfic rec though. I basically ship anyone with Kyungsoo and Luhan (Except for Xiumin, he's solely Luhan's)

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e films (2023)

Seven Days

  • The week after (pg-13)
    • "What happens after. A take on what the next seven days would be like after the first week of Yuzuru and Seryou's relationship."
  • Title? What title? I have no idea (pg)
    • "Yuzuru moves into his own apartment which opens new opportunities for Seryou and him."
jun 19 2015 ∞
dec 3 2015 +