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Mainly fanfics lists, kpop and anime.

Lists aren't really fanfic recs, but more of a way to list all the good quality fanfics I've read so I can reread them later on. Feel free to take is as a fanfic rec though. I basically ship anyone with Kyungsoo and Luhan (Except for Xiumin, he's solely Luhan's)

listography NEW NEWS
e films (2023)

Chansoo (Chanyeol x D.O.(Kyungsoo))

  • And so the ghost whispered (pg-13)
    • "Chanyeol is on recon, settling in with a fake wife and everything, when Kyungsoo shows up on a muggy Saturday morning in front of Chanyeol’s cute little cul-de-sac to tell him that EXO’s skeleton in the closet is not so dead after all."
  • As the law is a precise endeavor (r)
    • "Kyungsoo plays chess, and Chanyeol plays checkers. or is it the other way around."
  • Baby I'm yours (g)
    • "Park Chanyeol and bad pick-up lines are never a good combination."
  • Cage and barricade (pg-13)
    • "Chanyeol was lonely and Kyungsoo was afraid. Neither knew happiness until they met each other. 1984-style dystopian AU."
  • Chanyeol Park and the child of Gaea 1/4 PercyJackson!AU (pg-15)
    • "Kyungsoo would much rather spend most of his summer elbow deep in the engine of his ’69 Charger than travel across the country to slay a monster, but he's never been very good at denying Chanyeol anything. Percy Jackson AU."
  • Do Kyungsoo and the mudblood muddle (HP!AU) (pg-13)
    • "Kyungsoo has enough problems as it is. The last thing he wants to do is get involved in a high profile DMLE case, especially when it involves spending time with Chanyeol."
  • Fish Story {More or Less} (Tentacle!porn basically) (R)
    • "The tale of fisherman Kyungsoo, who was fooled twice by the ocean, and octoman Chanyeol, who's truly a scientist."
  • Flawlessly imperfect (pg-13)
    • "Somewhere in between trying to figure out personalities and preparing for the time of their lives, Chanyeol learns to love Kyungsoo for who he truly is."
  • For the love of trees Chanyeol is a tree (g)
    • "Chanyeol is a tree, which is slightly problematic concerning the area in which hugs are given. Which is why, to the depths of his bark, he wants to be human."
  • Forty-seven days (pg-13)
    • "In order to gain his grandfather's inheritance, Kyungsoo is required to marry by his 25th birthday. He is forced to hire the help of Park Chanyeol, a con-artist who agrees to become Kyungsoo's fake husband. It lasted for forty-seven days."
  • For you until I can dream (pg-13)
    • "Chanyeol wakes up to realize he’s dreaming. And he still is. Parallel Universe!AU also known as Chanyeol dreams so he can meet Kyungsoo in all ways possible, at all times possible, in all universe possible."
  • Game changer (pg-13)
    • "Even back then, the days of dream sharing were numbered."
  • Good company is hard to find (pg)
    • "Chanyeol is the bassist for a band called beagle room, and Kyungsoo’s a big fan of his mixtapes. over the course of one night, in an adventure across Seoul, they somehow fall together. Nick and Norah’s infinite playlist au, kind of."
  • Have a super time! (pg)
    • "Sometimes Baekhyun wonders about his past life and the amount of sin he must have done to be stuck babysitting two adults with offensive superpowers."
  • How to communicate with one's (creepy) husband (pg)
    • "Kyungsoo wants some romance in his life, so he decides to try and find someone on dokidoki. And he does find someone. The perfect guy. The only problem is he's kind of creepy."
  • I'd shout it from the rooftops (pg)
    • "Park Chanyeol is dying to tell everyone that he is dating Do Kyungsoo, he's just not sure he can just yet."
  • It's a small world we live in (pg)
    • "Kyungsoo knows that rationally he should probably scream something along the lines of 'police is coming get the fuck out of my house', ground Sehun for the rest of eternity and enjoy the free alcohol that will undoubtedly be left behind by the horde upon leaving."
  • In heat (hybrid!AU) (nc-17)
    • "Kyungsoo were not a cat, but then again he wasn't really just a human either."
  • Just right in the end (pg-13)
    • "Kyungsoo hates dating but finds someone who makes it ok."
  • Let me in your room (pg-13)
    • "Do Kyungsoo is an enigma, and Chanyeol just wants to know things he shouldn't. hospital!au"
  • Let's wrap you around my finger (pg)
    • "A tad bit silly, about Kyungsoo and Chanyeol going on a date throw in Jongin, Sehun and Baekhyun doing all they can to make sure their Kyungsoo gets a boyfriend."
  • Like a wildflower (pg-13)
    • "Because first love is beautiful, just like a wild flower. And maybe his love for Kyungsoo indeed was—untended, unintended—but bloomed beautifully in the middle of the woods just by looking up to the sun that was Kyungsoo; crying with the rain that was also Kyungsoo."
  • Love on wings Hogwarts!AU (pg)
    • "Kyungsoo decides to rebel. As much as someone who sticks to a nine pm curfew and studies for entertainment can rebel, anyway."
  • Nothing like this (g)
    • " Chanyeol finds beauty in the way Kyungsoo looks after a long day at work, and Kyungsoo thinks he loves Chanyeol more than powdered donuts. (and he likes powdered donuts a lot)"
  • OCC: Operation cue cards (pg-15)
    • "Park Chanyeol has a passion for broadcasting, and a very successful news anchor named Do Kyungsoo. Prompter problem ensues."
  • Paléna (pg-13)
    • "Human’s eyes tell no secret."
  • Rêver de la Fin (pg-13)
    • "It’s a spring blooming day when Kyungsoo meets Park Chanyeol."
  • Slave to Rhythm (pg-13)
    • "Living while constantly having to look over my shoulders is not living at all."
  • That may be all I need (pg-13)
    • "Chanyeol isn’t sure what to think of Jongdae’s new roommate until they bond over music. Then he can’t stop thinking about him."
  • The way to my heart (pg)
    • "(Cat AU) Kyungsoo is a sassy cat but quite easily won over by fresh bakery."
  • Till sunbeams find you domestic!AU (pg-13)
    • "living with chanyeol isn't exactly a cakewalk but kyungsoo figures it's worth it for the little things."
  • Two wrongs don't make a right(chansoo) (pg-13)
    • "Drinking at odd hours of the day has made him realize that he’s a thinker. And thinkers think. And anyone that thinks is a smart person right? Anyone that thinks is a person that makes good choices right? Wrong."
  • Under my spell (r)
    • "Kyungsoo isn't fantastic at magic or picking up the signals his hot neighbor is sending him."
  • Wait for me (nc-17)
    • "Kyungsoo is so tired that he really just want to pass out on his bed."
  • Weirdly, by chance (pg-13 for language)
  • Wild rock bands I have known 1/2 RecordStore!AU (pg-13)
      • "Record store!AU - Kyungsoo is working at a music store with a tyrannical boss and possibly (probably) insane co-workers when a boy and his band decide to break the monotony of his day."
    • I just wanna rock {you all night long} 2/2 Sequel to WRBIHK (pg-13)
      • "The day before the benefit concert, Jongin disappears, Kris tries not to kill everybody and Kyungsoo wishes desperately, not for the first time, he could have any job other than his own."
  • Would you be mine? Could you be mine? (nc-17)
    • "When Kyungsoo Do moves out of his parents’ house his third year of college, everything is perfect...Except his neighbor"
  • 5 + 1 (pg-13)
    • "5 times when chansoo are just friends and the one time when they're more than that."
mar 15 2015 ∞
aug 5 2015 +