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Mainly fanfics lists, kpop and anime.

Lists aren't really fanfic recs, but more of a way to list all the good quality fanfics I've read so I can reread them later on. Feel free to take is as a fanfic rec though. I basically ship anyone with Kyungsoo and Luhan (Except for Xiumin, he's solely Luhan's)

listography NEW NEWS
e films (2023)

BaekChen (Baekhyun x Chen (Jongdae)

Chensoo (Chen (Jongdae) x Kyungsoo)

  • One photo attached (pg-13)
    • "Jongdae sends nude pictures of himself to the wrong number. That wrong number belongs to do Kyungsoo."
  • This shit is onxyceptable (pg-13)
    • "Jongdae is going to be the best Pokemon trainer in the world! But then he meets Do Kyungsoo. Pokemon!AU"

Chenyeol (Chen (Jongdae) x Chanyeol)

  • Oh baby don't hurt me (pg)
    • "The one where Chanyeol has a crush on the new transfer student (who may or may not be a gang leader), Baekhyun is not the least bit helpful, and rumors are really just rumors."

Hansoo (Luhan x Kyungsoo)

  • Everything happens for a reason (pg-13)
    • "Go on blind dates, they said. It will be fun, they said. A young professionals au."
  • (Is this) more than you bargained for (r)
    • "No training course could prepare Kyungsoo for Lu Han, foreign exchange student and football extraordinaire. when Kyungsoo signed up to be one of his dorm hall's resident assistants, Lu Han wasn't in the job description."
  • Bubble tea (pg)

TaoHun (Tao(Zitao) x Sehun)

  • Sextuple date(includes Xiuhan, Kaisoo, SuChen, KrisLay and BaekYeol) (pg-13 maybe)
    • "Out of all of his friends, Sehun is the only one left who is still single. Determined to not be the odd one out on yet another group date, Sehun drags the first good-looking guy he sees along with him to be his date."
  • Marry him if you dare (nc-17 for some chapters) (XiuHan/BaekSoo/TaoHun/SuChen)
    • "The race is on. The first Kang brother- Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, or Sehun – to get married wins the family inheritance and the company. Why do their parents, Ji Hyo and Gary (AKA the Monday Couple) run their family like some kind of competitive variety show? Welcome to Exo meets Running Man, where Monday Couple just wants one of their four sons to find love already and their sons just want to run away. May the best man win."
mar 11 2015 ∞
aug 5 2015 +