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Mainly fanfics lists, kpop and anime.

Lists aren't really fanfic recs, but more of a way to list all the good quality fanfics I've read so I can reread them later on. Feel free to take is as a fanfic rec though. I basically ship anyone with Kyungsoo and Luhan (Except for Xiumin, he's solely Luhan's)

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e films (2023)

Akakuro (Akashi Seijuro x Kuroko Tetsuya)

  • Backrub (pg)
    • "Of course, the one time Akashi had to skip practice because of a badly timed exam, Tetsuya pulled a muscle."
  • Blank Space (g)
    • "In which kindergarten students were asked to list things that they like. Kindergarten!AU"
  • His imperial harem (pg-15)
    • "It was the year 2015. Crown Prince Kuroko Tetsuya ascended the Camellia Throne of Teikou as its 104th Emperor after the untimely death of his mother the Empress."
  • In other words (pg-13)
    • "Living together with Tetsuya educates Seijuurou with many responsibilities. One of them is doing the laundry."
  • Measured in Heartbeats (pg)
    • "And the little prince added, 'but eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart.'"
  • My friend the demon king (pg-13)
    • "Akashi was no stranger to the crucial importance of foresight. But no one could have expected his own choices to turn on him this badly. Or alternatively, the story of how the great Demon King was reduced to be a child’s playmate."
  • Nervous-making (pg-13)
    • "Kuroko is convinced that something must make Akashi nervous"
  • Seek for me (pg)
    • "Getting involved with Akashi only brings trouble. Hogwarts!AU"
  • The vindictive paradise (nc-17)
    • "Kuroko's only sixteen when he enters Emperor Akashi's household as one of his Imperial Consorts. And to survive, he either has to gain the title of His Majesty's favourite, or live the rest of his life away in abandonment."
  • We'll go down in history (pg)
    • "It's May 22nd and apparently an important date for Kuroko. (He doesn't know that yet, though. Also, was Akashi Seijuro always in his history class?)"
  • Your fangs are sticking out (pg-13)
    • "Akashi is concerned that Kuroko's blood tastes like absolute shit."
mar 11 2015 ∞
aug 23 2015 +