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Mainly fanfics lists, kpop and anime.

Lists aren't really fanfic recs, but more of a way to list all the good quality fanfics I've read so I can reread them later on. Feel free to take is as a fanfic rec though. I basically ship anyone with Kyungsoo and Luhan (Except for Xiumin, he's solely Luhan's)

listography NEW NEWS
e films (2023)


  • Cut off my water (pg-13)
    • "It's no secret that the captain of the varsity football team and the student council president hate each other. Uptight, tight lipped, not a day passes where the two don't get into a screaming match in the middle of the cafeteria."
  • Let me be your morning baby (pg)
    • "Jihoon was never the morning person."
  • Muse (pg)
    • "'I wanna be your morning baby, from now on, be alright.'"
  • Pretty boy across the hall (pg-13)
    • "Jihoon's just a normal guy, who gets really tired and frustrated easily. But he definitely gets flustered even more easily, and the new boy moving in across the hall does NOT help with that."
  • Seven minutes of hell (pg-13)
    • "Jihoon doesn't like Seungcheol. So his best friend Seungkwan decides to lock them in a closet together."
  • Training your demon - For dummies (pg-15)
    • "Choi Seungcheol, didn't your mom ever tell you not to use black magic? After mixing up his spell text-book with the wierd kids unfortunately similar-looking book of illegal black magic spells, Choi Seungcheol finds himself accidentally conjuring up a demon in his basement, rather than coercing a feather to float like he was supposed to."


  • Fall for you (pg-13) (on-going)
    • "Mingyu is getting tired of being a fifth wheel so he does what every logical person would do: find a fake boyfriend. Okay maybe it wasn't that logical."
jul 17 2015 ∞
oct 10 2015 +