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My name is mariana. but I like it but I prefer to be called mari
I'm 22 years old
futuristic lesbian, convinced dyke
who is interested in all the issues that permeate this world.

listography TERMS
  • Cristina Yang (greys Anatomy)
  • Tala (i can't think straight)
  • Cosima (orphan black)
  • Laurel Castillo (how to get away with murder)
  • Eugenia Phelan (the help)
  • Diana Da ilha Paradise (wonder woman)
  • Sid (one day at a time)
  • Casey (atypical)
  • Louisa Clarck (me before you)
  • Rosie Dunne (it just happens)
  • Aster Flores(the half of it)
  • Magie Murdock (love and other drugs)
  • Andie Anderson (how to lose a guy in 10 Days)
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jul 13 2020 +
  • visitar exposições de arte
  • deitar ao relento para observar o céu estrelado
  • sentir o cheirinho de terra molhada
  • explorar novos lugares
  • conhecer novos artistas
  • estar junto das pessoas que eu amo
  • me deliciar com comidinhas naturais
  • fazer carinho no rostinho dela
  • assistir produções cinematográficas que me fazem pensar
  • ir em shows
  • passar horas jogando conversa fora com alguém q eu goste
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"we carry within us the extraordinary things that we look for around us" -Extraordinário

"On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible aux yeux." -O pequeno príncipe

"Si vous venez, par exemple, à quatre heures de l'après-midi, à partir de trois, je commencerai à être heureux. Plus le moment sera venu, plus je me sentirai heureux. A quatre heures donc, je serai agité et agité: je découvrirai le prix du bonheur! Mais si vous venez à tout moment, je ne saurai jamais le temps de préparer le cœur ..." -O pequeno príncipe

"This partition that separates the mystery from the things that draws life." -Os Miseráveis

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  • Into the Wild (2007)
  • The Help (2011)
  • forreste gump, o contador de histórias (1994)
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
  • Por lugares Incriveis (2020)
  • The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
  • Good Will Hunting (1997)
  • trilogia before (1995)
  • Catch Me If You Can (2002)
  • O poço (2019)
  • Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
  • The Breakfast Club (1985)
  • Parasite (2019)
  • Love and Other Drugs (2010)
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  • replace this text with your list
  • begin each item with an asterisk
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list icon
  • viajar pelo mundo
  • aprender algumas linguas
  • fazer parte de um projeto social
  • escrever um livro
  • dirigir um filme
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jul 13 2020 +