My name is Kayla Morrill I am 20 years old. I'm currently in a relationship have been for six years! He is my everything I have no idea what I would do without him. I don't have any kids but we are trying. My family is my life. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for them. They have made me into who I am today. We have our fights but don't all family's? I have many best friend's some who live hours away, some who live minutes away, and one who lives with me. Life is a struggle sometimes but all I got to do is remember who I have by my side and I will be ok. My brothers and cousin are also my world! They keep me going and keep me on my toes. My brothers live hours away unfortunately and I don't get to see them that often but I hope they know how much they mean to me. Jackson he is the oldest he's 13 I can't believe it. He is a little shit head sometimes but I wouldn't have him any other way. He's my rock when i'm sad and my protector when I need it. Zachary on the other hand he is a smart mouth. His laugh kills me and makes me die. He cares so much about others and I love that so much about him. He is also my protector against Jackson when he is a butt. Dj has made a big difference on my life he helps me so I can get through not seeing my brothers very much. He can be a turd but he is very caring and loving when he wants to be. He is going to be a very loving and caring boy. My mom and aunt. Where do I start they are two of the most amazing people in my life. I honestly don't know how i'd react if anything ever happened to them. They are my rock. They make me smile when im sad. Make me laugh when i'm pissed off. I appreciate them more then they will ever know! My dad... I have two dads. Steve and Charles. Steve was there through EVERYTHING! He came into my life while I was young. He took me in as one of his own. I could never thank him enough for everything he has ever done for me and still does for me. He has definitely helped shape me into the person I am today. Charles came into my life a year ago when I found him on facebook. We got to know one another. I finally met him and Melinda after a while of talking and he gave me hug after hug. A huge amount of weight was lifted off my shoulders that day. I was so scared he wasn't going to like me. I was sick to my stomach the whole day! I also gained 4 siblings by meeting him. Chey, Tianna, Chase, and Aiysha! Tianna and I met when I took a chance and invited her to go to a concert with me and some of my friends. Turns out she was just like me Shy. HAHA! The next day I met Chey. We hung out at the mall and then went to her place and hung out. I met Chase and Aiysha when we went to dinner. I'm so thankful for them all. Tianna is my best friend she is awesome! She is pretty much the only one I talk to anymore. I talk to Charles here and there but that's about it. My Uncle Jakey well he is just the bomb! I have grown closer to him these last couple of years, and I love it! I think that covers just about everything in my life! So there you go!


It’s now the year 2020. I got married july 14, 2018. Been with my bestfriend for almost 10 years now. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve gained and lost a lot. My best friend Kota has been sentenced 5-life. It was hard getting that out through my head. I’m living. Writing him when I can. Just trying to stay positive. Got a new puppy Harley. She’s a trouble maker. She’s a very nice addition to our little family though. ❤️

dec 9 2016 ∞
feb 6 2020 +