something a mentor of mine once told me that i will pass along: a great way to stay curious/stretch yourself into something new is to pick a new-to-you obsession every season -- can be a word, a genre, an actor, a color, a place -- and curate your own little festival around it and suddenly you start to refract the world around that thing -- so if you pick, say, opera, or F1 racing, or emily dickinson, or diana ross, or ANYTHING + start reading books about it + listening to podcasts/albums + doing double-feature movie nites new patterns will emerge and suddenly the world is bigger and more open to you than you imagined, because things you didn't even expect have resonance just because you are trying to shove them into your seasonal obsession; you start to see connections that weren't there before.

apr 12 2024 ∞
apr 12 2024 +

“Loving yourself” is an action, not a feeling.

The only way you grow is by stepping into the unknown. It’s why so many people have “breakdown before breakthrough” moments. Often, their lives are leading them to better possibilities than they thought possible; they just didn’t know it was “good” at the time

Create physical solutions for emotional problems. People default on the idea that one emotion will cancel out or fix another. If you’re upset, seek a high to eliminate it. But negative emotions are just calls to action that are being ignored through a little mental gymnastics and a lot of justification. Detoxing your mind is letting go of emotional highs in place of creating actual solutions.

Rearrange your furniture. You are continually, subconsciously triggering negative or stagnant associations because of how y...

apr 12 2024 ∞
apr 12 2024 +
  • If you had the life you think you want, what would tomorrow be like? When you imagine the life you want, rather than focus on the elevator speech (“I am this, I do this…”), ffocus on the daily routine. If you had the life you think you want, what would you do tomorrow? How different would it be from what you’re doing now? What from that vision can you actually start doing tomorrow?
  • If social media didn’t exist, what would you do differently? Would you dress differently, feel bad about where you live, care about what your apartment looks like? What choices would you make if you didn’t feel they were being silently policed by the faceless mob of people that lie behind the screens of social media? What would matter? What would you do? Who would you be?
  • If nobody would know what you did with th...
apr 12 2024 ∞
apr 14 2024 +

3 hours per week for 9 weeks. de 7h30 à 8h20 du matin

  • lundi/monday/segund-feira : speaking and vocab
    • letting the podcast play then writing down what they say word for word, about a page. then repeat what you hear word for word
  • mardi/tuesday/terça-feira : input and vocab
    • read an article in french and write a short text about it
  • mercredi/wednesday/quarta-feira : écrire et lire
    • read an article in french and write a short text about it
  • vendredi/friday/sexta-feira :
    • conjuguer 5 verbes irreguliers (app: lingolia)
mar 12 2024 ∞
apr 14 2024 +