- seven samurai (japan: akira kurosawa, 1954)
- amelie (france: jean-pierre jeunet, 2000)
- battleship potemkin (russia: sergei eisenstein, 1925)
- bicycle thieves (italy: vittorio de sica, 1948)
- pan's labyrinth (mexico: guillermo de toro, 2006)
- battle of algiers (france: gillo pontecorvo, 1966)
- city of god (brazil: fernando meirelles, katia lunda, 2002)
- the seventh seal (sweden: ingmar bergman, 1957)
- the wages of fear (france: henri-georges clouzot, 1953)
- spirited away (japan: hayao miyazaki, 2001)
- la dolce vita (italy: federico fellini, 1960)
- metropolis (germany: fritz lang, 1927)
- la regle de jeu (france: jean renoir, 1939)
- three colors trilogy (poland: krzysztof kieslowski, 1993-4)
- let the right one in (sweden: tomas alfredson, 2008)
- tokyo story (japan: yasujiro ozu, 1953)
- the apu trilogy (india: satyajit ray, 1955/56/59)
- oldboy (korea: park chan-wook, 2003)
- aguirre, wrath of god (germany: werner herzog, 1972)
- y tu mama tambien (mexico: alfonso cuaron, 2001)
sep 6 2012 ∞
jan 2 2025 +