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"Every puritan's a pornographer." --Erica Jong, Fear of Flying

"I am the cliff, enamored with the waves that crash against it." --Henri Pierre Roché, Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent

  • ..but this is what I'm looking at.
  • Mondays, 7:00-9:00....American Writing to 1918 [fulfills American requirement]
  • Tuesdays, 9:30-12:15....Rhetorical Theory [fulfills other concentration requirement and might help with teaching]
  • Tuesdays, 2:00-4:45....18th Century Literature: Fashion & Material Culture [fulfills 1 specialization slot]
  • Wednesdays, 1:25-4:25....Theory Topics: A History of the Modern Book (1798-present) [fulfills 1 elective slot]
  • Teaching Apprenticeship [fulfills requirements to teach next year]

This blows. I don't know when they're next going to teach an American class (rumor was not for another couple of years) but I reeeeallllly don't want to take a night class. Especially when I don't have a car. But I need an American class.

Another problem is scheduling. While it would be nice to only have classes on two days, taking two classes in one day would be MURDER. So...I'm thinking no to Rhetorical Theory if I really must take the American class.

The one I really want to take is the History of the Modern Book because that could help me write my thesis next year. And the 18th-century material culture could be very important, too.

So, if I take American, 18th-c. lit, and HoModern Book, PLUS the apprenticeship...yikes. Especially if the apprenticeship is on MWF. FUUUUUUCK.

Class-wise, if I took this load, I would be left with these requirements to fill:

  • A class from another concentration (and hope that they teach comp theory in the summer or my last spring)
  • 2 courses in my specialization (Romanticism seminar which will be taught in Fall '12 and hopefully an Art History seminar in something related to the 19th century)
  • Practicum in teaching (which HAS to be taken in Fall '12)
  • MA Capstone course
  • Foreign Language requirement (I believe I will take this in the summer just to make things easier on myself)
sep 16 2011 ∞
sep 16 2011 +