- finish Emma
- read The Sign of Four
- take quiz on The Sign of Four
- write 2 response posts
- write justification for & post print source for Wiki project
- organize speech for presentation
- meet with presentation group
- send slide notes to the PowerPoint creator in our group
- write film response to Kenneth Branagh's As You Like It
- practice presentation
- transcribe notes/thoughts on Emma into notebook (don't really have to get done this weekend)
- start serious research for Jane Austen paper
- write post on Ashes and Diamonds (don't really have to get done this weekend)
- NOT HOMEWORK BUT IMPORTANT: e-mail current MA students with questions
Okay, I guess it's not that bad of a load, but two things scare me: the long paper on Jane Austen and the presentation, the former because I haven't started yet and the latter because pretty much my whole group is...less than brilliant. If only Jean-Pierre's demonic glare could shock them into shape. 7 weeks until graduation. Yay?