• my maternal grandparents, for different reasons respectively
  • My Joey, my ex-fiance, the one I grew up with, the love of my life -- for all he has ever done for my life and all he has ever been to me. "Because you Loved Me" by Celine Dion comes to mind.
  • my mother. granted, that's an odd description of her, coming from me. and i mean it in a rather limited way, as of now. but i know her backwards and forwards, and I see the heroism in her. You'd be surprised...
  • I sort of idolize a particular law professor from afar right now because he is a champion of liberty; a famous legal scholar who writes what I already feel strongly and instinctively but don't have the right words for -- yet.
  • Ron Paul. The only Congressman I trust.
  • My father, for reasons I'm not sure of, because he won't tell me and he's kind of distant and yet -- yet -- he has it together. Is it strength? I believe so. He's a hero in his own way -- a way I'm not sure I could live up to, even if I were interested in trying. I'm my own hero.
  • my childhood best friend K. I won't tell you why here. Some things are better left between two people.
  • Amanda, my closest friend from Alabama, for all that she did for me and how was there for me when I needed it. I'll never forget that special Thanksgiving girls' feast she hostessed for me back in Tuscaloosa. We're separated by distance by now, but "true blue" means a lot in a friend.
  • Sarah for being another me in the world. That's hard to find - another "hero" after my own heart! I mean "hero" in a rather different context here...a rather self-absorbed context...but still. We all have our flaws, but...look, you'd have to get to know me to understand. Which of course you won't. So call me conceited, call me delusional, but if you only knew...
  • Admittedly, this "hero" thing has shifted definitions quite substantially. So I'm using it in a rather loose way -- well, a very loose way. But the people I appreciate are all heroes to me.
  • Oh, and EJL -- I admire and envy your professionalism/responsibility and work drive to the point of envy (or is it jealousy? it's the nice kind. i'm delighted for you to have it, Ms. Super-Achiever, but I wish some of it would rub off on me!).
  • Karin, you might be the most down-to-earth, practical, grounded person I know who is simultaneously brilliant (yeah, I remember third grade) and witty as hell. I admire quite a bit about you. I understand your "groundedness" very little, but I admire quite a lot, among other things.
  • Oh, here's an actual hero -- Mother Theresa. I have several books on here. I decline to list the (other?) saints as heroes, but saints are in a category of their own.
  • TBContinued
feb 19 2010 ∞
feb 19 2010 +