As I sit and delete tinder off my phone for what must be the 11th time in 2 years, I can't help but wonder, why is it that my weight fluctuates, friends come and go, I get hired, I get fired, yet the one thing that stays the same is my romantic status? What makes some people serial relationshippers? What makes some girls irresistible but more importantly 'cherished' and what makes women like me, hitting mid twenties, feel like the pariahs of the dating world? The issue I feel, is the crushing expectation, ladled out, that you should be getting regular sex and a regular paycheck, something I know little to none of.

I have dated, sporadically, and with 0 successes. I am 24 years of age and the longest time I have spent dating the same person is... two weeks.

Personally, the hardest part of being eternally single is not having anybody to really care about the mundane, the doldrums, to wake up and have somebody to tell about your shitty dream, or to care if you got home safely, or to even find you remotely attractive when your hormonal acne flares up, that just seems like fairytale stuff, I cannot fathom, it does not exist.

jul 23 2015 ∞
jul 31 2015 +