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<header class="topheader"></header> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="wrapper2"> <div class="header"> <header class="headerheadertotallynotconfusing"></header> <center><h1>vickkuma <img src="https://imgcdn.sigstick.com/5Fbo4rTfJVqIBMIa24A4/cover-1.thumb256.png" alt="" style="height: 5rem; translate: 0 1.3rem;"></h1></center></div>

<div class="views"><a href="https://ottokake.tumblr.com/post/127018319621/black-gyaru-pixel-masterpost"><img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/b40ea3ba9347106625d86eee932c0e1b/tumblr_inline_ntaoeumaIa1rqscnx_250.gifv" style="width: 43%; float:right;"loading="lazy"></a> <div class="status"> <center>vicky is feeling: <a href="https://www.imood.com/users/vickkuma"><img src="https://moods.imood.com/display/uname-vickkuma/fg-#FBD0E/trans-1/imood.gif" alt="The current mood of vickkuma at www.imood.com" border="0"></a></div></center> <br><center><!-- FC2 Counter Starts here --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="//counter1.fc2.com/counter.php?id=40002905&main=1"></script><noscript><img src="//counter1.fc2.com/counter_img.php?id=40002905&main=1" /></noscript> <!-- FC2 Counter Ends here --> <!-- FC2 Counter Ends here --> <!-- FC2 Clap tag starts here --> <a href="//clap.fc2.com/post/vickkuma/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvickkuma.neocities.org" target="_blank" title="Web Clap by FC2"><img src="//clap.fc2.com/images/button/pink/vickkuma?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvickkuma.neocities.org&amp;lang=en" alt="Web Clap by FC2" style="border:none;" /></a> <!-- FC2 Clap tag ends here --></center> <p></div>

<div class="sigma"><center><h2>Navigation</h2><br><img src="heart.png"> <a href="vicky.html">about me!</a> <br> <img src="heart.png"> <a href="diary.html">diary</a> <p><h2>Offsite</h2><br><img src="heart.png"> <a href="https://neocities.org/site/vickkuma">site profile</a></center></div>

<div class="the-section"> <div class="content">

<p> <img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/ad/89/35ad89657c8e20ceb328e5c4c84adc30.gif" style="float:right; width:20%"> <img src="SHi2T.gif"> welcome to vickkuma.neocities.org <font color=pink>•⩊• </font> <p> im the webmistress behind the site, victoria! or call me vicky <font color="pink">✿</font>◠‿◠) this site was made as an outlet to expand my creativity, while being productive and displaying the passion i have for my love of coding and my interests :3 here is what i used as a <a href="credits.html">guide</a> </p> </div> </div></div> <div class="the-section"> <div class="toot"> <img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/d3616b7e09a83afbc51e46c51b10c060/0e6730ab1f0b8a50-50/s75x75_c1/bfbefaa6feb7b78b5e692ecfb5ad857bc21bc67c.gifv"style="float:left;"><img src="heart.png"> <b><font color="pink">why vickkuma?</font></b> the word "kuma" directly translates to "bear" 🐻 in japanese & "vic" is of course obviously a portion of my name! the two come together making <b><i><font color="#7e4b38">vickkuma!</font></i></b> and i of course wanted to match with rilakuma & korilakkuma to express my love for all things san-x related! 😊 <p><b><font color="pink"><img src="heart.png"> what drove you to make vickkuma?</font></b> since 2020 i always loved coding and webdesign and the idea of having my own side of the web! 😭 i even tried to steal one of my really closest friend's carrd pro account back in 2022 because of my desperation (ATTEMPT FAILED. I AM EMBARRASSED).. ive went from carrd pro, to <a href="https://spacehey.com/vickkuma">spacehey</a>, to here in the span of just a few years!<p><img src="heart.png"> <font color="pink"><b>when was this site created?</b></font> october 27 of 2024 on a random school night! site has been in the development since then! expect to see active changes in my site :3 </div></div>


nov 30 2024 ∞
nov 30 2024 +