STinG's listography
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to do
(Bucket List Created to Increase My Immortality)
Ride a Rollercoaster
Drive a Car
Drive the Autobahn
Drive on a dry desert lakebed
Drive a truck
Drive a van
Drive a forklift
Drive some construction machinery
Bungee jump
BASE jump
BASE jump from the tallest anything
Do a HALO jump
Skydive out of a helicopter
Sky surf
Ride a motorcycle
Ride a plane
Fly a plane
Fly a hang glider
Ride in a small jet with less than three seats
Drive a Car on the Wrong Side of the Road
Drive a Car in Great Britain
Bury the Needle of a Speedometer
Run from a Dog
Go Outside in the Cold Rain, Snow and/or Winter without a Hat on
Go Swimming Less than Half an Hour After a Meal
Stay Overnight in a Place That is Considered to be Haunted
Make that Face
Do something incredibly stupid, dangerous and romantic that would get you the girl in the movies but get you arrested in real life.
Rappel Off a Building, Aussie-Style
Go pole bedning
Fight a bull
Learn to use nunchaku
Learn how to use two nunchaku simultaneously
Do a logroll
Enter the Highland Games
Go fishing
Build a House
Live in a House that I Built
Meet a Childhood Hero
Buy a Homeless Person Lunch
Start My Own Religion
Eat an Insect/Bug
Kill a Mammal with My Bare Hands
Prepare a Dead Mammal for Consumption and Eat It
Eat Raw Fish from an Animal/Innards from a Fish
Enter an Eating Contest
Drink Alcohol
Drink Enough Alcohol to Get Me Drunk
Drink Enough Alcohol to Make Me Vomit
Drink Enough Alcohol to Make Me Pass Out
Try a Keg Stand
Do a Beer Bong
Endure a Hangover without Mentioning It to Anyone
Smoke a Cigarette
Smoke a Cigar
Smoke a Pipe
Smoke a Hookah
Ingest a Substance Currently Prohibited by Law in My Jurisdiction
Try some cannabis
Try some cocaine
Try some crack
Debunk an Urban Legend
Refuse to Forward a Chain Letter
Refuse to Put Butter on a Burn
Participate in Building a Human Pyramid
Spend Eight Hours Straight Holding a Cardboard Sign at a Busy Intersection
Interview a Killer
Escape a Prison
Take the train from coast to coast
Spend 48 hours in a major metropolitan area without a hotel or a home
Do a Ride-Along with the Police Department
Swallow my Gum
Put Fresh Flowers in My Hospital Room
Survive a Curse
Throw a Hat on a Bed
Walk Under a Ladder
Step on a Crack
Shower During a Thunderstorm
Intervene in a Dogfight
Discover a Place That Hasn't Been Discovered Yet
Cut a Record
Make a Movie
Stay in a Hotel
Stay in a Shitty Hotel
Stay in a Five-Star Resort
Stay in an All-Inclusive Resort
Go to Space
Go to Castroville, California - The Artichoke Capital of the World
Go to Death Valley
Drive through Death Valley in Springtime Bloom
Do New York City
Check Out Chicago
Take in a Show at Second City
Break into a Secure Facility
Backpack Across Europe
Visit Anne Frank's House
Go to Japan
Go to Mecca
Go to Mecca during Hajj
Go to Scotland
Visit a no-bullshit Castle in Scotland
Go to London
See a show in Picadilly Circus
Discover an unknown spot in the world
Date someone way younger than me.
Date someone way older than me.
Be the lone voice of reason in a room full of nonsense
Be the lone voice of nonsense in a room full of reason
Have Sex in All 50 States
Have Sex in All 50 States with the Same Partner
Join the Mile-High Club
Engage in a Threesome with Two Members of the Opposite Sex
Engage in a Threesome with a Second Member of the Same Sex
Engage in self-immolation
Enter a highway via the off ramp/Exit a highway via the on ramp
Cross Any Red Line Painted on the Ground of a Property Owned by the U.S. Department of Defense
Run the Badwater Ultramarathon
Kill the Last Remaining Member of a Species
Survive a Disease
Become Exposed to Something I am Allergic to
Survive a Fever
Use a Homemade Contraceptive Method/Device
Try some heroin
Drive a motor vehicle on a frozen lake
Put a car up on two wheels
Jump a motorcycle
Pop a wheelie
Drive an insanely high-powered vehicle for which I have no training whatsoever
Fly a plane across the Arctic/Australia/Antarctica
jan 3 2014 ∞
jan 12 2014 +