• don't steal happiness from tomorrow
  • read more often
  • learn more about finances
  • attend counseling consistently. look into medication, all types of medication.
  • try new things when it comes to sales and job hunting
  • always uber home from the bars
  • start eating half of the food you order and drinking half of what you would normally drink
  • don't be so afraid to have downtime or time alone
      • there's always something to do. i just hate wasting a day in bed. get out of bed (but when the sun shines again/i'll throw the curtains and blinds to let the light in)
      • get out of bed within 30 minutes on day off. stay out of bed. be productive in the morning.
  • no buying products off of amazon, only video
  • focus on strengthening friendships that i already have instead of meeting new randos
      • this year: elise and rach, al and phil, grad school friends, weir, anyone who reaches out to me.
      • spend time with family, but let them come to me
  • get things done before the due date. start projects earlier;actively work on procrastination. try to get my thesis done early!
      • read a book about procrastination
      • finish thesis early. finish projects early. remember how good it felt to get everything done for school early this fall.
  • exercise to fight depression. do some sort of stretching every day
      • read about fighting depression w exercise
      • you also have complained about your legs for years. try four weeks of exercises consistently and see if you like it
jan 5 2019 ∞
may 24 2020 +