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catalog of non-definitive acts
Speculative Realism by Bradley Trumpfheller
Nervous System by Michael Dickman
Wild Geese by Mary Oliver
What’s Not to Love by Brendan Constantine
Missed Time by Ha Jin
The Weight of Sweetness by Li-Young Lee
Two-Headed Calf by Laura Gilpin
Dog Bite by H.R. Webster
Complaint of Achilles' Heel by Charles Jensen
The Cave by Paul Tran
Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem by Matthew Olzmann
Panic Attack as a 4 Part Word Problem by Torrin Greathouse
The Prestige by Hanif Abdurraqib
This Might Be Too Forward, But by Lauren Maxwell
Object Permanence by Nicole Sealey
Love at Thirty-Two Degrees by Katherine Larson
You, Therefore by Reginald Shepherd
Monet Refuses the Operation by Lisel Mueller
Jessica gives me a chill pill by Angie Sijun Lou
Staking a Claim by Erika Meitner
Underbelly by Nicole Homer
Heliocentric by Keith S. Wilson
Poems From An Email Exchange by Hanif Abdurraqib
unfinished one-act play in which the audience refuses to cheer by Leela Raj-Sankar
Footnotes for an Essay on Submersion by Carolyn Oliver
I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense by Danez Smith
In Defense of Our Overgrown Garden by Matthea Harvey
Perhaps the World Ends Here by Joy Harjo
Introduction to Quantum Theory by Franny Choi
Another Spring by Natasha Rao
Lonely Planet by Nate Klug
Persimmons by Li-Young Lee
Other Lives And Dimensions And Finally A Love Poem by Bob Hicok
Outbreaks by Kitchen McKeown
Ways to Harm a Thing by Kaveh Akbar
Rust Belt Jessie’s Taxonomy of Ghosts by Jessie Lynn McMains
Anatomy of a House Fire by Stella Lei
An Iranian Rat Prepares for Space Flight by Robin LaMer Rahija
That the Science of Cartography Is Limited by Eavan Boland
Postcard from Callisto by Deborah L. Davitt
Sides of the Glass by John Grey
Kissing the Invisible Man by Todd Dillard
The Circumstances of His Disappearance by Mikal Trimm
New Planet Landscape 31 by Ken Poyner
The Oracle Answers the Question You’ll Never Ask By Megan Arkenberg
Temporal Velocity Theory by J. Michael Shell
The Open Sea by William Meredith
Creation Myth by Emily Zhang
Emergency Management by Camille Rankine
How to Speak to the Dead by T.J. Jarrett
Failing and Flying by Jack Gilbert
Type II by Hieu Minh Nguyen
If I Should Come Upon Your House Lonely in the West Texas Desert by Natalie Diaz
Bringing the Shovel Down by Ross Gay
Sick4Sick by Torrin Greathouse
A Poem for All the Poems I Send to My Lover by Bhawna Jaimini
Start Here by Caitlyn Siehl
Death ain’t nothing but a song by Donte Collins
The Night Where You No Longer Live by Meghan O’Rourke
The Understudy by Hieu Minh Nguyen
Poetic Machines 01 by Christian Bök
The Wound by Adonis
Laura Palmer Graduates by Amy Woolard
Eurydice by H.D.
Journey to find the scriptures only the scriptures are blank, after Wu Cheng’en by Angie Sijun Lou
Poem in which I Fail to Teach Homer by Laura Passin
The Lazarus Questionnaire by Ted Mico
A Transition Like a Mexican Telenovela by Joan Angel Estrada
Letter to My Blackout by Maria Hummel
A Lovesong From Frankenstein’s Monster by Ali Trotta
Enough Music by Dorianne Laux
Dust by Dorianne Laux
Clear Night by Charles Wright
Pyramid Scheme by Hera Lindsay Bird
Twenty-One Love Poems [(The Floating Poem, Unnumbered)] by Adrienne Rich
Guilty of Dust by Frank Bidart
Back Soon; Driving by Carl Phillips
Asami Writes to Korra for Three Years by Natalie Wee
Prelude by Ae Hee Lee
ESL by Muna Abdulahi
On Falling (Blue Spruce) by Joanna Klink
Finally, Some Concrete Career Advice by Natalie Shapero
Eros as asteroid by Julia Koets
ontologies by leena aboutaleb
The Triumph Of Achilles by Louise Gluck
The Agamemnon Rag by Jack Conway
The Second Slaughter by Lucia Perillo
The Fall of Troy by Rachel Hadas
The Oracle Was Stoned by Chester Wilson III
Cut by Sina Queyras
Trojan by Jericho Brown
Caligula by Alison Stone
Even the Gods by Nicole Sealey
Ceasefire by Michael Longley
After My Brother’s Death, I Reflect on the Iliad by Elisa Gonzalez
And Send a Bird by Cheesy Normile
Even Homer Nods by Rowan Ricardo Phillips
Helen Considers Leaving Troy by Jeanann Verlee
The Pact by Jennifer Militello
Achilles, Barefoot by Gretchen Rockwell
Results of Your Quiz: Which Survivor of the Trojan War Are You? By Hayley Stone
Cordelia, or ‘A Poem Should Not Mean, But Be’ by Veronica Forrest-Thomson
Roman Poem Number Thirteen by June Jordan
On Hierophany by Karen An-hwei Lee
Holocene Sonnet by Lisa Fay Coutley
In The New Century I Gave You My Name by Alex Dimitrov
Tim Riggins Speaks of Waterfalls by Nico Alvarado
Advice From Dionysus by Shinji Moon
Theories of Time and Space by Natasha Trethewey
Love by Eavan Boland
Dinosaurs Smelled Magnolias by Dalton Day
Dead Stars by Ada Limón
Feeding the Worms by Danusha Lameris
Kal by Fatimah Asghar
Letter to a Lost Friend by Barbara Hamby
the lover, always by Adriano Noble
where to bury a missing girl by Hafizah Geter
Running Orders by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
Eelish by Paula Bohince
How to Corner the Market on Horse Cadavers by Lindsay Sletten
Elegy for a False Sense of Security by Cortney Lamar Charleston
Why I Am Not a Taxidermist by Lauren Schmidt
Elegy for My Sister by Sherod Santos
After the Offering Ritual, Cain Carries Abel Home by I.S. Jones
TO SIRIUS B by Brooks Haxton
Letter of Regret by Aakriti Karun
the moon is the ultimate dead girl by Melissa Anne
jul 25 2024 ∞
jul 28 2024 +