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Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky.

  • Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything and love is all there is.-- Gary Zukav
  • Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.-- Henri Frederic Amiel
  • Within you I lose myself. Without you I find myself wanting to become lost again.
  • But love is none of these things. It won't suddenly make every day okay. It won't change who you are. It won't make your car go faster. It doesn't even wash your dishes. All love is, is love. And that's all it needs to be, really.
  • The world is smaller than you think, and the people on it are more beautiful than you think.-- Bertram Van Munster
  • And I love how you just sit there and look at me, and I just sit there and look back and we smile and realize that was the best conversation we've ever had together.
  • Someday, you're going to meet someone who will drive you mad. Someone you'll fight with and laugh with. Someone you don't have to put on a front with. Someone who doesn't care if you're not perfect, and loves you more with your flaws. Someone who knows exactly where you're ticklish. Someday, you'll meet someone so amazing you might end up spending the rest of your life with him.
  • I have scaled these city walls, only to be with you.
  • Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away, and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes will speak for my heart.
  • And their shape and their hair and their eyes and their smell and their voice. That suddenly, these things can exist and you're not quite sure how they existed without you knowing about them before.
  • I think we all deserve to be with someone who just wants to be with us.-- The Office
  • Look, I don't know if there's only one person on the planet you're supposed to be with, but when we're together, it sure feels that way.-- The O.C.
  • Being together is more than just sex and making out. It's about understanding the other person. Being there for them, talking for hours; making each others' dreams come true, being in love and not needing anything to keep it worthwhile.
  • He's my kiss in the rain, my dance with no music guy. He's my kiss on the forehead, I love you, sweet dreams, goodnight. He's the never want to be without you kind of guy.
  • Love has no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen.
  • I'd rather have tough situations with you than perfection with someone else.
  • I have seen your heart and it is mine.-- Harry Potter
  • I guess the best part of being with you is that you don't judge me. I can wake up in the morning, hair a mess, no makeup on and you still tell me I'm the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
  • I guess I never thought anyone would ever make me smile, laugh, and capture my heart as fast as you have.
  • He's like no one else in the world. When I'm with him, it's like I'm split in half. Part of me is on fire going crazy if I'm not touching him. The other half is calm and peaceful, just perfectly content, knowing he's the one for me.
  • I just want to stare at your beautiful eyes and fall asleep in your arms. Because I know that I'm always going to be happy with you.
jan 29 2010 ∞
jan 29 2010 +