• The apartment we lived in with the red carpet in the living room and the tiles in the kitchen. We also had a 'kids room,' with my tiny wooden desk and my tiny wooden chair, graffitied with crayon colours and pencil marks.
  • My two Bunnies. Like many people have their favourite 'blankie' or their favourite teddy bear, i had my two bunnies i received one easter from my nonna. The first one (my favourite because the bottom of the feet were softer - mum and dad could never tell the difference but i knew better) i lost in the public toilets, and the second one i lost once, then i knocked on my door a few weeks later. I lost it again though, although i could never figure out how/where/when.
  • Running on the path through the park in winter with dad, the ground covered in snow, on the way to the hospital where mum was pregnant with my brother Roman
  • The art school across the road
  • My preschool
  • the '4s' and the '5s' at City and Country school
  • The house on Fire Island (near long island).
  • The cookies we once tried to bake, it may have been the light, but to me they looked green.
  • Our little red wagon, where my friends (Clare and her big sister Audria) would set up beading stalls. We would spend hours beading and making jewelry, which we would sell to passers by. Once we had raised enough money, we would buy the jewelry from the older kids across the path.
  • The bay, i couldn't swim so would just walk around in the water instead
  • We went fishing and i caught a big groper, although it escaped and jumped back into the water. Then i caught a fish with really really sharp teeth (i had a strange impulse to shove my finger into its mouth, even though i knew the consequences - i didn't though) and a bluish stripe. We ended up throwing it back. Finally, i caught the groper again, this time it didn't escape.
  • Having baths in the esky
  • Going up to one of the highest floors in one of the twin towers. There was a floor to ceiling glass window and i was leaning against it, looking at the city below me.
  • Accidentally finding our way to the roof of the same twin tower. Mum was basically crawling because the only way down was the other side of the roof.
  • Woodworks at school
  • Playing with blocks at school
  • Playing with big, wooden blocks, boxes and boards outside at school
  • Always thinking that my school was called 'city and COUNTRY school' because it was in a street that had a few trees
  • The staircase up to our apartment
  • Rolling down these stairs and not being able to stop. Laughing all the way down.
apr 12 2009 ∞
apr 16 2009 +