- work out nonstop with cathy and brittany
- go to siesta as much as possible
- get a 2nd job at the mall and make cash money
- volunteer somewhere
- pimp out my car!
- make lots and lots of CDs
- take tons of pictures
- grow out eyebrows fully and get them threaded
- get a tattt
- smoke with my dad
- keep in touch with tons more people
- buy/MAKE lots and lots of cute clothes
- way more tops
- WAY more dresses
- bikinis
- also lots of cute accessories
- STOCK UP on jeans and cold weather clothes when they're on sale
- go to ikea
- roaaaddd trriiipp
- get really really good at piano
- lighten my hair somewhat
- whiten/straighten my teeth
apr 11 2010 ∞
apr 19 2010 +