• Lord, I plan on pursuing friendships and pray for you to be the one to change what needs to be changed, if friendship isn't enough of what you have in minds. I'm done; and ill be unable to stay out of shitty relationships or relationships that stress me out more than they protect me unless I become okay with me hating being single but still loving being completed by You. Being single, hating being single, but knowing that is something totally separate than my contentment with You.
  • Lord I have no idea towards Ryan Bohlim, no idea towards Michael forney, I pray that you would change things between Steven and I and make something., anything beyond a friendship happen. I really really like him, lord. Also I praise that you are breaking my heart free of how I felt about Ryan
  • Lord you have blessed me beyond measure in so many ways. Where I work where I go to school the friends I have. The fax that I get to go to fashion shows with people who love me and get my hair complexes and give me up dos... Holy sheet
  • Lord I pray that you give me feelings of friendship towards Michael forney so that I won't get hurt
feb 15 2013 ∞
feb 23 2016 +